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Ahlan Wa Sahlan

Welcome to Madrasah Urwah Bin Az Zubayr

We offer a diverse array of lessons to male and female students, ranging from an ‘Ālimiyyah course, Adult Higher Islāmic education, Ḥifz classes, Revert classes and Maktab.

Our core objective is to educate and morally prepare our students in the Islamic scholarly traditions of the Ahl al – Sunnah wal -Jamā’ah.

Named after one of the seven jurists of Al – Madīnah al – Munawwarah, Urwah Bin Az Zubayr Rahmatullāhi Alayhi, the erudite Tābi’ī, we seek to uphold Islam’s rich traditions of learning, preserving, practicing and teaching, by providing a supportive and nurturing environment in which to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Islāmic Sciences.

Situated in the cultural heartland of Mpumalanga, Madrasah Urwah Bin Az Zubayr calls the town of Middelburg its home. The institution was launched with the aim to part and disseminate a premier level of Islāmic education to those who seek it.  With the help of Allāh, the Madrasah has grown to encompass many more students learning onsite, as well as students being taught online. Our comprehensive methodology integrates the advantages of traditional teaching with the agility of virtual learning. This fusion is enhanced by a cohesive blend of conventional education and the latest modern technology, thus thoughtfully facilitating theoretical and practical learning in the most innovative way.

We aim to intellectually equip and spiritually anchor our scholars to prime them for the world of work and service and to facilitate their journey towards achieving personal, spiritual and social goals with ikhlāṣ, iḥsān and istiqāmah.  We aim to be an institute where the complete Dīn of Islām is taught, practised and promoted.