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Ijra’āt Ja’far Bin Abī Ţālib Raḍiyallāhu ʿanhu

The message of our beloved Nabī Ṣallallāhu ʾAlayhi Wa Sallam was that we spread the message of Dīn not only through our words but by our actions as well. The Şahābah Raḍiyallāhu ʿanhum and many who followed, embodied this method. Research has shown that the impact is far more reaching if we present our beautiful Dīn through both our actions and words. To revive the spirit of Da’wah we have a dedicated initiative.


Every person wishes to be involved in spreading the beautiful message of Islām.

However many a time people do not know how to approach it. Through the Da’wah wing, we try to provide people with an opportunity to also be involved in showing our Dīn. Participants are also guided and taught what to say and do through various Da’wah campaigns.


Our inaugural project was “My Neighbour My Responsibility”. Eleven towns participated with over 1000 homes reached. Cookies and a magnet were provided to each participant by the Madrasah. The project was well received and spread a message of positivity.

The Madrasah also embarked on an initiative to distribute socks at provincial hospitals accompanied by a message of goodwill from the muslim communities.

Beyond these projects the Madrasah endeavors to continue the activities of this wing in all communities. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome.


Jaʿfar ibn Abī Ṭālib y

He is known by many by his salient qualities, a confident orator, a humanitarian, mouth piece of the Muhājirīn, star of the mujāhidīn, migrator of the two migrations, and one who prayed to both qiblahs. He was the envoy of the Muslims in the lands of Abyssinia wherein he was at the forefront of daʿwah.

His daʿwah at the royal court of al-Najāshī resulted in the Qur’ān being recited, Islam being revered, and King Najāshī himself accepting the creed of Islam. The efforts of Jaʿfar y bore fruits, which would in years to come nourish the souls of the African continent.

In honour of this Ṣaḥābī Raḍiyallāhu ʿanhu it was decided that this project be named after him (Raḍiyallāhu ʿanhu).