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Ijra’āt Tamīm Ibn Aws Al-Dārī رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ

The current crisis facing South Africa leaves homes without electricity at in-opportune times, multiple times daily. This is especially difficult for the elderly and widowed who lack the support to assist them achieve their daily tasks.


This challenge has given rise to the solution, in the form of this initiative. Back-up systems are installed to assist those in this circumstance.

  • Installations are done in Masājid,
  • The homes of ʿUlamāʾ,
  • The homes of the Widowed


This is an ongoing initiative, established under the banner of MUBZ Relief. Installations began in July 2023 and will continue with the will of Allāh and the support from out community and donors.


Nabī spoke highly and supplicated for those who serve and build the house of Allāh Ta’ālā in anyway.

One of the companions, Tamīm al-Dārī brought some oil candles from Damascus to Madīnah. When it became dark in the Masjid, he had the candles lit. When Nabī came to the masjid and seen that it was enlightened with candles, he became very happy.

He asked,” Who did it?” The Şahābah replied, “Tamim ad-Dari did it.”

Thereupon, Nabī said to Tamīm al-Dārī,” You illuminated Islām and beautified the Masjid. May Allāh illuminate you in the world and the hereafter.”

(Qurţubī, Ibn Hajar)